1 John 1 KJV Use the hyperlink on the left to read today's passage out of Scripture.
John starts this lesson, "In the Beginning" where there is no other, only God. This is an important point as some would have us to believe there are other life forms, gods, and men before the foundation of the world. There is not, only God. God then creates the heavens and the earth and all that is in it: the trees, plants, and animals before creating man and woman. It is important to note that everything God created, prior to man and woman, was not done to establish a relationship with the breast of the fields, nor the fowl of the air, or the creatures of the sea. God is going to establish or bring man and woman into a special relationship with Himself. God and man will then walk and talk in the Garden of Eden. I believe God created man and woman last to show us that nothing else in creation satisfied His desire to foster that relationship with the exception of mankind. Just as Adam found no proper help meet among the breast of the field from which to foster a healthy human relationship. In this relationship, God walked with man in the Garden, in ways, that are familiar to mankind through the senses: eye, ears, and hands. Is this not also the way men communicate with one another, conversing verbally and nonverbally? Thus, we communicate with God in the same manner. It becomes evident from John's writings that this is what God intended "In the Beginning;" to fellowship and establish a relationship with mankind. Whereby, to hear God speak and intently look upon Him with great wonder, touching him to absorb His glory and majesty. God reveals Himself for the purpose of establishing that relationship with us; to become known. To this day, God still desires the same thing, to fellowship and establish a relationship with mankind. John testifies to this very fact when he says, I saw, heard, and touched Him. John is in essence, introducing us to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost through his senses just as we are to do to establish a relationship with the Holy Trinity and just as John did when Jesus walked on this earth. We can too when we accept Jesus via the Holy Spirit.
The third verse is thus an invitation to establish a relationship with God through Jesus Christ His only begotten Son in cooperation with the Holy Spirit. John is showing us how we are interconnected as believers in Jesus. And because John has seen and heard Jesus, which we too are partakers of John, in fellowship, we also share in that fellowship with God. And while we are unable to truly see and hear God, hindered by our sinful nature, the Holy Spirit will help us understand the deep things of God. Thus, we share a common bond among believers embracing the Love of God, Christian charity, and genuine fellowship that is rich and pure. Fellowship with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ shows we cane have a relationship with God. Unfortunately, many struggle with this concept, because they do not know God intimately. Regardless, of why people choose not to embrace God's gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, having a common bond with our Savior, may sound strange, but is not as strange as someone might think. Even the disciples struggled with this concept in John 14:9 KJV when Jesus said to his disciples, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip?” A relationship takes time, but if men are truly interested they will invest in that relationship much the same way, an individual invest in a business venture - 100%. Few reap a great reward immediately (though some do), it takes time and plenty of effort with a keen eye upon the market, learning its ups and downs. In time, your investment in Christ will grow stronger and we will reap a great reward. As John has eluded to; our relationship with God begins with fellow believers, sharing a common bond. This is why attending a church is essential among the faithful. It's in a church, where we learn to become Christians.
Verse four becomes the result of that relationship with God. A Christian is full of JOY as demonstrated in the following passages of Scripture.
These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full (John 15:11).
Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full (John 16:24).
But now I come to You, and these things I speak in the world, that they may have My joy fulfilled in themselves (John 17:13).
Are you full of JOY? Many Christians remember the day they accepted Jesus into their heart, as a day of great JOY. And while it is not certain, it is available to all who desire and work to keep it through the Holy Spirit, so that it shall remain and be full.
Perhaps you have never taken the time to get to know Jesus beyond a superficial or mechanical manner, today is the Day of Salvation and beginning of a new relationship with God through Jesus Christ in cooperation with the Holy Spirit. Will you accept Him today? You will be glad you did!